Daily Archives: January 1, 2018

Model Driven Development: The Basics (Part II)

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In Model Driven Development: The Basics (Part I) we have set up an environment for modeling a system with Enterprise Architect and for generating C++ code to be compilable in Visual Studio.

In this second part of the post we are going to build on that and see how some fundamental entitites in UML are translated into C++. This should give the readers enough experience to play with the basics of MDD and be able to find more advanced features themselves. For brevity I am not going to describe in detail how to access features which have already been described in Part I.

1. Add an Attribute to the Logger Class

The objective of this activity is to put in the Logger class an element which records the current required level of tracing. As usual, we want to use UML while keeping in mind that we want the tools to generate valid C++ source code from that.

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